



         動詞:視為、認為  She was accounted a genius by all who knew her work.

account for:解釋              You should account for your mistake.
                     數量上佔...   Students account for the vast majority of our customers.

address:地址   正式的演說  opening address 
           動詞:說明                His article didn't address the main issue.
                       應付、處理    This issue hasn't been properly addressed.

           忍受                He couldn't bear being bored.
           擁有、具有        Their baby bears a strong resemblance to his grandfather.
           生產                The trees bear fruit every summer.

charge:收費、開價         They charged me 10 dollars.
               指控                    He's been charged with murder.
       be in charge of  負責= be responsible for        I'm in charge of organizing the party.

contribute:貢獻        She contributes ten thousand dollars every year to the charity(慈善.
            contribute to 導致      Smoking contributed to his early death.

current:現任        Roberts is the current chief justice of the United States Supreme Court.
               流動        The child was swept away by the strong current.

deliberate:謹慎        Some women make a deliberate choice to rear a child alone.
               動詞:慎重考慮        The jury took five days to deliberate on the case.

dispose: dispose A to/towards B 使對…産生某種感覺
                    His rudeness when we first met didn't dispose me very kindly to/towards him.
    dispose of X 清除;處理
                    After the exam, I disposed of some of my old textbooks.

                目前、當前     That's all for the present.         busy working at present
          動詞:提出、發表    The speaker presented a wonderful speech on stage.  

            記者 媒體        The politician held a press conference.

acute:嚴重、劇烈        The problem of poverty is particularly acute in rural areas.
            敏銳、靈敏        He is a man of acute intelligence.

              條款、條文     East and West Germany united under article 23 of the Bonn constitution.

conceive:懷孕    She didn't exactly know when she conceived.
                   構想    The exhibition was conceived by the museum's director.

contract:合約        Artists should be very careful while signing a recording contract.
                收縮        As it cooled, the metal contracted.
                染病        He contracted SARS while he was traveling.

rough:粗糙、崎嶇不平    You have to walk through a rough road.
              粗魯的                    The boys are fighting. They are really rough.
              粗略的                    She made a rough estimate of the likely cost.

          封條                The governor stamped the document with his seal.
          印蠟、蓋章    She sealed the letter before mailing it.

            貯存            You should store the eggs in the fridge.


aboard:在交通工具上        The passengers went aboard the ship.
abroad:在、到國外            Lucas planned to study abroad after graduation.

altar:聖壇,教堂            Tom left his fiancée at the altar.‌‌‌‌  (悔婚)
alter:修改,使變化        Simon altered some of his future plans because of the pandemic.‌‌‌‌‌‌

complement:襯托,附加    The cream complements this dessert.
compliment :讚美                My manager gave me a compliment on my performance.

conscience :意識;良心   He's got no conscience at all about leaving me to do the housework.
conscious  :神智清醒的       She was conscious but badly hurt in the accident.

except :除了...
expect :預料  expectation期望   Most parents set high expectations for their children.

disability:殘疾            Her disability doesn't prevent her from pursuing her dream.
inability :能力不足    His inability to drive a car kept himself from getting the job.‌‌‌‌

immoral :不道德的                    It is immoral to abandon a child.
immortal:永生的、流芳百世    Shakespeare is one of the immortals of British Literature.

imprudence:輕率            The report criticizes the banks for being imprudent in their lending.(貸)
impudence :厚顏無恥        He had the impudence to steal the photographer's photo

literacy:識字力、素養     Computer literacy is lowest in least developed countries.
literary :文學的  XX  literature  XX文學

later :之後、晚點                       See you later!  
latter:末尾的    the latter 後者  There are apples and bananas on the table but I only like the latter.

loose: 寬鬆的;不嚴謹的       No one wants to be friends with Sandy because she has loose lips.
lose  : 丟失、輸掉

personnel:人事;人事部門        The company seemed to make some changes in personnel.‌‌‌‌
personal :私人的  personal remark 人身攻擊‌‌‌‌ Please avoid making personal remarks against others.

patent:專利;顯而易見            They filed a patent on their new product.
                take out a patent on A  :取得A的專利   file a patent on B:  申請B的專利
potent:有效力的   This is a very potent drug and can have unpleasant side-effects.  副作用

purpose:目的、意圖        The main purpose of this meeting is to set our seasonal goals.‌‌‌‌
propose:提案、計畫        I proposed to finish the project tonight.

stationery :文具(不可數)         I like to go to the stationery store.‌‌‌‌
stationary:靜止的、穩定的    The rate of inflation通膨 has been stationary for several months.

revenge:報仇    take/ get/ exact/ plot a revenge
avenge :為... 報仇       He swore he would avenge his brother's death.

principal: 校長 主要的 本金
principle:原則、準則   in principle 原則上   He was a man of principle.‌‌‌‌

custom :習俗
customs:海關                    It's necessary to go through customs when traveling abroad.‌‌‌‌‌‌
costume:裝扮(不可數‌‌)        The teacher wore a Santa  costume on Christmas.‌‌‌‌‌‌

statute:法令            Business practices are prohibited by statute.
stature:聲望 身高  He's a scholar of great stature.
statue :雕像        The statue was erected as a memorial to those who died in the war.
status :身份        Women were usually the caregivers and had lower social status in the past.

migrate    :移居、遷徙                A lot of Asians migrated to Australia in the last decade.‌‌‌‌
emigrate  :移民,移出              Ian emigrated from South Korea when he was 5 years old.
immigrate:移民,移入            Ian and his family immigrated to the U.S.‌‌‌‌

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