


            Smoking causes half a million deaths each year in the U.S.


          Teaching those naughty children is painful.

不能接不定詞(to V  只能接N或動名詞(Ving 的常見動詞

                    You should practice speaking English all the time.

慣用語:動詞/名詞/形容詞 + 介系詞( to ) + 動名詞     be use to V-ing

                * to + V-ing (動名詞):已發生的動作或事實

                *to  + V  (不定詞)  :還沒發生的動作,或前方動詞的目地/結果

                    Malala has devoted her life to fighting for education for children.
                His dedication to teaching was impressive.

                    Much of his spare time was devoted to cataloging his stamp collection.


不定詞(to) V:屬於動狀詞 ,前面主詞動作的目的或結果,可當名詞、形容詞、副詞

                        You are to leave immediately. 

使役動詞:let、make、have、後方動詞為原式(不帶 to 的不定詞)
                   * get to 、help (to) 

                        I shouldn’t let my emotion affect my decision.
                        What made her take against me that way?
                        I've always had the dentist check my teeth after the cleaning.

                        No one can get him to wash the dishes!
                        Her parents helped her start the business.
                        =Her parents helped her to start the business.


                Sara was excited to see the rock band.


                    Did you notice her leave the house?

情態動詞後省略to:will, would, can, could, shall, should, may, might, 
                                    must, need, dare, had better, would rather

                    In the silence we could hear the clock ticking.
                    No one can call back yesterday.

口語and代替to:尤其是come和go後   What time will the taxi come and pick us up tomorrow?

「讓,使」:allow ... to  ; let 
強迫使(人)做(某事)」: force ... to ;make 

    You had better go now, it's late.
    Go sit down!


完成式不定詞:常出現在條件句,to have + 過去分詞

                            Before I turn 40, I want to have written a book.

完成進行式不定詞:動詞後持續,現已完成的行為,(to) have been + 現在分詞
                            I would have preferred to have been sleeping all afternoon.
                            They might have been talking before you came in.

進行式不定詞:動詞或助動詞後持續性的動作,(to) be + 現在分詞

                            I happened to be waiting for the bus when the accident happened.
                            We should be hurrying. We're late!

被動式不定詞:常用在助動詞(may、should、could 等)to be + 過去分詞

                            I am expecting to be given a pay-rise next month.
                            These doors should be shut at night.

9.假設語氣    ↼   10.動名詞、不定詞   ⇀  11.分詞 


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