


現在分詞:當形容詞,主動、進行意思,與助動詞形成進行式  V-ing

                        The crying baby kept the family awake.

過去分詞:當形容詞,被動、完成意思,可當主/受詞補語,與助動詞形成完成式 V-pp

                      Boiled water is safe to drink.


                He whistled to himself as he walked down the road.
               The teacher was standing lecturing on grammar when I enter the room

使役動詞(make、have、let、get) :  主詞(S) + 使役動詞 (CV) + 受詞 (O) + 原型動詞 (原V)

                *注意主動get...受詞+ to V

                    Jack let his friend borrow his car.
                    Nancy got her sister to borrow her a dress.


                    *注意被動let...受詞+be Vp.p
                    I had my homework done
                    How could you let your plan be revised like that?

分詞片語:由形容詞子句縮減而來,先行詞+關代+V  ~ 先行詞+ Ving/Vp.p

                    A pedestrian (who had been) hit by a speeding taxi was lying in the street.

                    The taxi driver, who did not realize what happened.
                      ~ The taxi driver, not realizing what happened.

                主詞相同的話,省略一個主詞,去掉連接詞(and, so, if ...
                在被省略主詞後方的動詞改成分詞  ( Ving 或 V-ed

                David was tired out, so David went to bed early.
                ~ (Being) tired out, David went to bed early.


                His son didn't work hard, so the old man was very angry.
                ~ His son not working hard, the old man was very angry.

            子句 when、while、until、once、if、unless、although分詞構句:
                                                                                     副詞子句 ,主詞+be+adj./V-ed

                Unless I am tired, I won't take a rest.
                ~ Unless tired, I won't take a rest.

         分詞片語表更早發生的動作, Having+V-ed

               Having done the work, I left early.

            表附帶狀態的with:S+V, with + O + OC受詞補語
              主動 Danny always drives his car with the music playing
              被動  John looked at his daughter’s boyfriend, with his arms folded.
            形容詞  Students left the classroom with the doors and windows open.
            介系詞   Kelly complained that she couldn’t sleep with the light on.

10.動名詞、不定詞    ↼   11.分詞    ⇀  12.形容詞、副詞  


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