


比較級三級變化  (原級 → 比較級 → 最高級):X   → Xer  → Xest

                                    三個或更多音節的形容詞:X   → more X  → most X


S(主格)+ V + 形容詞比較級 + than +  O(受格)
S(主格)+ 動詞 + the + 形容詞最高級 + O(受格)

                My house is larger than hers.
                This is the smallest box I've ever seen.

代名詞,如:I / you / he / she 須轉受格~ me / you / him / her
但有助動詞出現時,能以主格+助動詞表達 ~ I do / you do / he does / she does

                  You study harder than her.
                  You study harder than she does.

同等比較句:as (adj.) / (adv.) as              相同
                       not as(so) (adj.) / (adv.) as    … 比...更不如
                      the same as    / the same + N    和...一樣...

                The pencil is as expensive as that eraser
                Amy did not arrive here as early as you.
                The young boy does the same job as his mother

倍數比較:倍數+as (adj.)/(adv.) as

                The city library has twice as many books as my school library.

比較級表達: A beV ( much/ even/ quite  / far /still) + 比較級   than   B.  A比B較…多了
                        最高級:(the very / much the / by far the )
                   *more  X than  比較X / less X than 比較不X  ;The most 最 /The least 最不

                Your sweater is quite more beautiful than mine.
                The apple is less delicious than the banana.
                The apple is the most delicious of all.

更...更...:The more/-er + S1 + V1 …, the more/-er + S2 + V2

            The earlier you start studying, the better you will do on the test.

比較級   and   比較級

            Seeing people on their phone all day is more and more common.

比其他的...更..  : A  be 比較級 + than any other B … 

            The territory of Russia is larger than any other countries in the world.


否定倒裝:否定副詞 + be動詞/ 助動詞/ have, has, had + 主詞

                I will never talk to him again. >  Never will I talk to him again.

強調倒裝 : Only + (by..., with...when, after..) + 助動詞 + 主詞

                I will forgive him only when he apologizes sincerely.
                             >  Only when he apologizes sincerely will I forgive him. 

如此...以致於... :  So + adj. + be動詞 + 主詞 + that...

              She is so gorgeous that every woman envies her.
                                > So gorgeous is she that every woman envies her.

直到...才:Not until + 主詞 + 動詞 + 助動詞 + 主詞 + 動詞原型..

            She did not come home until midnight.  > Not until midnight did she come home. 

強調假設:Had/Should/Were  主詞 + 動詞/名詞, 主詞  would/should/could/might + 原型V

                 If he had been here, the problem would have been solved.  
                            >    Had he been here, the problem would have been solved. 

    *與過去事實相反假設,過去完成式 had + p.p,後面子句,現在完成式 have + p.p

                If it should rain tomorrow, I would stay home.  
                                > Should it rain tomorrow, I would stay home. 

12.形容詞、副詞    ↼   13.比較級、倒裝    ⇀  14.連接詞 


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