


                                  and but or nor for so yet

                        Our team played hard but lost the game.


                    Neither Alex nor Alice knew the whole truth.

    *neither 或 nor 單獨當連接詞時,後方需倒裝

                    I never called her back, nor have I regretted it.
                    I can't swim.   " Neither can I"


                    時間 after, before, as soon as, while, when, as, once, since

                    原因 as, because, since, why, so that, in order (that)

                    條件 as long as, if, only if, provided that, unless, until

                    相關 which, who, that, where, whose

                    對比 although, even though, though, while   (類似對等連接詞 but)

                                Although he is rich, he is not happy.
                                Even though he is rich, he is not happy.

        *if 起頭的從屬子句,需要逗號 ,  如if位於句末則不用

                        If it rains, we'll have to stay at home.  = We'll have to stay at home if it rains. 

關係代名詞也可作為連接詞:who, whom, whose, which, that    >>關代

連接副詞:子句A『;』連接副詞『,』子句B  ,說明兩個子句的關係

            all told               總之     as a consequence 因而, 結果        as a result        結果
            consequently 結果       even so                 儘管是             hence        因此
            however       然而        in addition                 此外            in consequence 結果
            in other words 換句話說        meanwhile 同時             namely        亦即
            nevertheless 儘管如此       nonetheless 然而            on the contrary 反之
            on the other hand  另一方面       therefore          因此           to sum up         總結

                I had my hair cut; meanwhile, my wife went shopping.

13.比較級、倒裝    ↼   14.連接詞    ⇀  15.主動詞一致、易混淆字 



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