


                She usually takes the bus to work.
               The quality of life in this city has changed for the worse in the past 15 years.

不定代名詞 each, any/ every/ someone, no one, any/ every/some/ nobody 後方必為單數

            Anyone who wants to go to college has to pass entrance exams.

不定代名詞 all, some 視替代名詞決定可數(複數);不可數(單數)。none 可為單數或複數

            Some of these parks are remote and may be difficult to access.

兩者:nor, either ~ or, neither ~ nor, not only ~ but (also) ,動詞和比較接近的主詞一致

                Either my younger brother or my sisters are going to attend the wedding party.

主詞用 with, but, like,  no less than, as well as, in addition to 連接時,動詞和第一個主詞一致

                Excitement, as well as nervousness, is the cause of her shaking.


                The group (of students)  is going to Tainan tomorrow.    (of students=介片)

Here 和 There倒裝,動詞跟後方主詞

        There were three offers and the house sold for close to asking price.



            Fewer and fewer people join this camp
            Drink less alcohol will bring benefits to your body.

it’s = it is縮寫,its =「它的」

            Ann’s house has its own gym and swimming pool.

See(無意識的)看 會面;Look (有意識的)看,注視

            I will see him next weekend.         ; It looks like rain. 

Hear: 聽見,聽到;Listen: 傾聽,注意

        Mom heard the baby crying             ;Don’t listen to him

besides 此外、而且 ;beside 在旁邊 

contract 合約           ;contrast 對照、反差

            The Dodgers signed Scott Kazmir to a three-year contract.
            In contrast to diligent bees, butterflies seem to fly around without a clear purpose.

decent 像樣的、正派的 ;dissent 不同意
          I’ve never had a decent meal since I arrived.
      ...healthy disagreements create more productive discussions, so dissent is actually welcomed.

except 除了;expect 預期

Lie/Lie/Lay               Lie: 躺,臥,位於   lie, lay, lain, lying
                                   Lie: 說謊                   Lie, lied, lied, lying
                                   Lay: 放置,生蛋      Lay, laid, laid, laying

Rise: 升起   Rise, rose, risen  ;Raise: 攀,籌募,養育   Raise, raised, raised



14.連接詞    ↼   15.主動詞一致、易混淆字    ⇀  目錄 


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