英文法、 2.語態


語態:動詞與主詞的關係,主詞是動作承受者,為被動語態= 助動詞 be +過去分詞

                The banana was eaten by the monkey.
                You will be taught by me.


                The proposal was consented to by him.
                The bill was referred to the committee for review.

                        *不及物動詞無被動語態 ( 不加be動詞 )
      * tremble 發抖;搖晃 vanish 消逝    matter 要緊;重要 occur 發生 belong 屬(於
        remain 保持;仍是    respond 回應 result 結果;導致 depend 依賴    exist 存在......

                Who cares.      ;       Anything could happen tomorrow.


             look after  照顧     speak to 對...談話     count on  依靠

動名詞:動詞加 -ing,視為名詞,可以當作句子主詞、受詞、補語或同位語
                    動名詞視為單數形式    Exercising is good for your body.
                    *否定的not加動名詞前面    * 片語動詞後動詞轉動名詞

                Cleaning the house is really a chore.
                Among her hobbies are traveling, skiing and bike riding.
                Not exercising can worsen your arthritis.
                I don’t think anyone will object to leaving early.

                動名詞前方常有所有格人稱代名詞  I was tired of his being late for meetings.
                某些動詞( avoid, enjoy, keep, go(went)...)後面習慣跟動名詞

不定詞: to + 動詞,作為動詞的受詞,使役動詞與情感助動詞為例外

                I hope to get a job soon.        David is a man to be admired.

     *使役動詞     let、make、have、get 、help   後方不定詞不帶 to 
     *情態助動詞  must,、would、Had better       後方不定詞不帶 to 

            Let's play the ball now.
            I dragged him out of bed and made him take a walk with me.
            Would you like a cup of tea?

    ** allow 與 let 有「讓、使」之意,但allow不算使役動詞,不定詞要帶 to 
    ** make 與 force 有「強迫(人)做某事」之意,但 force 不算使役動詞,不定詞要帶 to 

       The windfall allowed me to buy a house.
        You can't force her to go to the doctor.

完成不定詞:已完成  to have +過去分詞  /been + 過去分詞   I'm pleased to have helped you.

    *部分動詞後方通常接不定詞   I hope to see you soon.     I want to be a teacher.


            過去分詞「被動」或「完成」的意思,-ed, -en, -d, -t, -n, -ne

            Boiled water is safe to drink.    She had her photo taken.
            現在分詞「主動」或「進行中」的意思,動詞後去-e  加 ing

            The crying baby kept the family awake.      This book is interesting.

數量:複數名詞通常由單數名詞字尾加 -s 或 -es

比較級:原級、比較級 (er / 字前加 more 、最高級 ( est / 字前加most、

                Michael is kinder than anyone else in the class.
                I have absolute confidence in her.   *部分形容詞無比較級

                *few / fewer  後面接複數名詞;little / lest 後面接不可數名詞

                Few thunder storms occur in the desert. 
                Should you wash your dishes by hand, or does the dish washer use less water?

                      who 代替『人』; which 代替『事物、動物』, that 偶爾可取代 who 或 which
                        *人的 受格為 whom、所有格為 whose

                    I like the watch that my father gave me.
                    The girl  whom  you called is my friend.

                        I always buy name brand clothes that are cheap.

1.句型與詞類  ↼   2.語態    ⇀  3.名詞 


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