

名詞 (N):人、地、物、事、概念

可數:單數可數名詞前面要有 a / an限定詞,複數可數名詞加-s,複數可數可加the表示特定

            I left my cell phone on the bus.
             Peel the apples and cut them in half from stem to bottom.

       many, few, a few, several 用於複數可數名詞, much, little, a little 用於不可數名詞,
       some, any, enough, lots of , plenty of , all/none of the 複數可數名詞與不可數名詞都可用

        量詞 + of 表示有限數量一部分  Several of the students left early.

    **「單數可數名詞」前面一定要有限定詞  a / an 
             You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

            Sally returned to her school office after running an errand. 特定差事
            Sally spends her whole life taking care of her children and running errands. 工作

不可數:無法分割、抽象、專有名詞不可數,配合單數動詞,不加-s /a / an,可加the表示特定

                Does great wealth bring happiness?
                That is very useful information.

                 Where's the money I gave you yesterday?

                a _量詞_ of + 不可數名詞       a bottle/glass of water     ;   a tube of toothpaste  
                用 "no", "any", "some", "little", "much"修飾     There is no time

         *抽象名詞不可數:friendship (友誼) courage (勇氣)anger (憤怒)Honesty (誠信)

          *物質名詞:天然資源、食物與化學元素,大多不可數,配單數動詞,不加 a /an
                                                        可配單位名詞或 通用量詞some, any, much, few, a lot of,


athletics (體育) civics (市政學) economics (經濟學)   ethics (倫理學)  physics (物理學)
genetics (遺傳學) gymnastics (體操)mathematics (數學) mumps (腮腺炎) politics (政治)
damages (賠償金)  news (新聞) optics (光學) phonetics (語音學)    rickets (軟骨病)


名詞片語:限定詞 + (形容詞修飾) + 名詞
                複數名詞  或 不可數名詞  作為名詞片語,不需要限定詞  Time is money.
         限定詞: (可為量詞)
                     冠詞 - a, an, the
                     指示代名詞 - this, that, these, those
                     人稱代名詞所有格 - my, your, his, her, its, our, their
                     基數詞 - one, two, three, seven, forty-two, ...
                     序數詞 - first, second, third, thirteenth, ...
                     量詞 - any, some, all, few, a little, a few, less, least, more, most, many, much, ...

                     其他 - such, what, quite, rather, either, neither, other, another, 
                              enough, which,  whose, whichever, whatever,

                The grammar book on the desk is mine.

               可作為副詞修飾動詞     You should brush your teeth every evening.

集合名詞:類似個體組成的集合體  committee (委員會) jury (陪審團) public (公眾),,,,


                    * police, people 永遠當複數,用複數動詞  are / were。

                    The committee has not been functional as a team.
                    The committee have decided to disband.

                    The family has lived here for at least 10 years.
                    The family have all gone on weekend.

                    *一群動物行動限定:  a 集合名詞  of  動物(複數) + 單數動詞
                    A flock of birds is flying in a V formation.

                   *集合名詞可轉為不可數  weapons > weaponry  ;peraons > personnel

複合名詞:多字組成,複數形式的-s 加在地一個名詞後 brothers-in-law  ;passers-by (路人

名詞字根判斷:       參照:台灣測驗中心   

 -ness、-ment、 -tion、 -sion  通常是名詞
 -ity、-ence、 -ance、 -hood   通常是名詞

-er、 -or 、 -ist、-ant、 -ent、-man、-woman、-person、-ess  特定職業名詞

動詞字尾加-ment 形成名詞:

accomplish accomplishment 實現;造詣
achieve achievement 成就
adjust adjustment   調整
advertise advertisement   廣告
amuse amusement 愉悅

announce announcement   宣佈
appoint appointment   約會;任命
arrange arrangement 安排
assess assessment 估價
assign assignment 任務;(課外)作業

astonish astonishment 驚訝;驚愕
attach attachment 連接;附著;附件
attain attainment 獲得;造詣
content contentment 知足;滿意
discourage discouragement 沮喪,氣餒,洩氣;勸阻

embarrass embarrassment 窘;難堪
endorse endorsement 背書,贊同,認可
enforce enforcement 執行;強制
engage engagement 訂婚;雇用;交戰
enhance enhancement 提高,增加


enlighten enlightenment 啟蒙;教化;開明
enrich enrichment 添加肥料;增強食品營養
enroll enrollment 入會;登記人數
entertain entertainment 招待,款待; 演藝界
equip equipment 配備,裝備

establish establishment 建立;創立;建立的機構
fulfill fulfillment 履行;實現;成就(感)
harass harassment 騷擾
imprison imprisonment 監禁;限止
invest investment 投資;投資額


involve involvement 介入
manage management 管理;經營;處理
nourish nourishment 食物,營養品;養育,滋養
pave pavement 鋪築過的地面;人行道
postpone postponement 延期;延緩

refine refinement 優雅,高雅;提煉,精煉
refresh refreshment 茶點;精力恢復
replace replacement 取代;接替
require requirement 需要;必需品
resent resentment 憤慨;怨恨


retire retirement 退休
settle settlement 解決;清算;定居
state    statement           陳述,說明;結單

2.語態  ↼   3.名詞    ⇀ 4.代名詞 


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