

代名詞:代替句子中先前提及的名詞 /名詞片語,(單、複數、人稱)須與先行詞一致




     Your palm is bigger than mine.
    This is my book; that is yours .

*反身代名詞:表示「...自己的」 -self (單數)  -selves (複數)   *我自己

      Michael introduced himself and extended his hand.
      I am teaching myself to do the programming.

    慣用語  :   of itself  自動自發   in itself 本質上   beside  ONEself with [情緒] 充滿[情緒]

 *指示代名詞:這個 (this),那個 (that),這些 (these),那些 (those)    

        This looks great.    (looks = 單數動詞)
        Mike did not turn in the homework. This made the teacher very angry.  (代替前句)

        兩者否定(neither) 這種(such)    Neither will do.      Such is the case.

*疑問代名詞 :who, whom, whose, which, what
                                    whom 當受詞。所有格 whose 「誰的」
            What new problems might be created by solving the original problem?
            Which people and what institutions will be most seriously harmed by this new technology?

                      all(所有 ), any(任何), none(毫無), some(一些), each(每一個)...

                Everybody can do something, but nobody can do everything.

  單數不定代名詞: one, each, either, neither, another 
                              和 any、every、no、some + one/body/thing, 後面必須跟單數動詞

                Each of the students has won at least one of the international awards.
                Neither of my parents likes my girl friend.        (V-s = 單數動詞)

  複數不定代名詞:both, few, many, 和 several 後面必須跟複數動詞

                Few of the children are true orphans.
                Several of us often go out to dine after class.

        somebody, no one, anything, something 加 else 為其他意思

                Does anyone have anything else to add?

       慣用語:nothing but A  = 只要A;  anything/everything but A = 不要A 除A都可

        other 的複數=  others ,others 只能是代名詞, another (再一個)可作為限定詞      
               We can no longer expect others to help us.
               My uncle has four kids. One of them is a boy and the others are girls.
                Is there a way to copy all of the songs from one playlist to another?

                Would you like another cup of coffee?  (限定詞 another + 單數名詞
                I have two older brothers. One is tall, and the other is short.   (限定詞other 單數

     other接不可數或複數名詞。other 如接單數名詞,前面需要限定詞 (the any this no some)

                There are other ways to solve this problem.
                He joined the army because there was no other work he could do.

相互代名詞:"each other" 和 "one another",所有格+'s

                They worked together and encouraged each other.
                We know too much about one another's marriages.

『It 』多用法:代指『人或事』> What time is it?            Have you seen it?

                            加強語氣           >  It is Peter who saves her life

                            代替名詞片語   >  I found it hard to solve this equation.   (虛字 it 代替受詞

                            虛構主詞加強  >   It has benn proven that laughter lowers stress.

                       *  It 用在特定單數名詞; One 用在不特定單數名詞 (a/an)


3.名詞   ↼   4.代名詞    ⇀ 5.關係代名詞 


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