

關係代名詞:who, whom, whose, which, that

            The girl whom you called is my friend.
            Somewhere along the road, there is a shop which sells things from foreign countries.

     關係代名詞的動詞 人稱單複數  需先行詞一致

            Find a swimming suit that fits your figure.  (單數動詞


            I know the singer (whom) you're talking about.

       * 非限定性的關係代名詞不能省略
                    The car, which I was driving at the time, suddenly caught fire.

       *  關係代名詞是關係子句的主詞,跟著一般動詞時不能省略
                    What's the name of the girl who won the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize?

       *  關係代名詞當受詞用,前有介系詞時不能省略
                    This is the house in which I was born.

    關係代名詞 + 助動詞 be + 現在分詞 / 過去分詞

           The boy (who is) sitting over there is my son.


            I have an aunt who teaches English at our school.

            She has a teacher whom she respects.


     非限定性關係子句用 who, whom,  which。 "that"不能用於非限定性的關係子句
                    My other sister, who lives in Tainan, is named Nancy.
        that 不可直接放在介系詞之後    This is the house in which I was born. 

  **介系詞 (in, at, on, for) + which 有時可被關係副詞 when, where, why 取代形成關係子句

            關係副詞 (when, where, why)敍述「時間、地方、原因」

                    This is the restaurant in which we met for the first time.
                    This is the restaurant where we met for the first time.

複合關係代名詞:who, whom, whose , which 等字尾加 -ever ,不需要先行詞

        Whosever bicycle this is, get it out of here.      ( = any one who)
        You may invite whomever you like to the party.

 4.代名詞    ↼   5.關係代名詞    ⇀ 6.動詞時態 


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