


狀態 " 簡單式、進行式、完成式、完成進行式 "  & 時間 " 現在、過去、未來 " 組合

動詞依時態有不同變化:( takes、took、taken、 taking)  

*只有「現在/ 過去簡單式」不需助動詞,其他時態均需要助動詞 (Be, have, shall/will) 

一般動詞過去式加 -ed 、去y 加 -ied、重複字尾加 -ed        *注意不規則動詞

現在簡單式:現在的狀況、習慣、事實   (am, are, is)

             一般動詞第三人稱、單數、現在式,通常是加-s 或-es
                        I live in Taiwan.         The sun rises in the east.
                        He enjoys reading.
        表時間的連接詞(when, before, after, as soon as, if, until) 後可用現在簡單式
                                                = 主要子句是未來式時,從屬子句通常用現在簡單式

                    As soon as he arrives, we will have some lunch.
        有關感受的動詞 (如:want, like, love, hate, wish) 用現在簡單式
        移動相關動詞(如:come, go, leave, arrive, meet, start) 用現在簡單式

                I leave for Los Angeles tomorrow.
                He loves his daughter.

        *條件句:If  - 現在簡單式 + (will, can, may, might) + 動詞原式

                If it rains, I will stay home.

現在進行式:正在發生    (am, are, is) + 現在分詞Ving

                She is talking over the phone now.

        *Be +  (  always、usually、constantly  )  用來表示經常發生,現在進行式

                Richard is always sleeping till noon.

現在完成式:經驗、到現在已經完成    (have、has )  + 過去分詞


                I have just done my homework.

     過去迄今 ever, never, still, just, already, yet ,用現在完成式或過去完成式

                She has never been to Korea.         I have already told him. 

       * He has been to Japan. (去過)    不同於    He has gone to Japan.  (去了)

     被___:(have、has )  been +  過去分詞

     The vacancy tax has been proposed as a way to nudge landlords to put vacant apartments 
     back on the market and generate revenue for affordable housing .

                                   (have、has )  been  + 現在分詞 Ving

                通常需要時間副詞鎖定起始時間 (如 for , since ,before ,during ,then, finally )

                    I've been shopping at this 7-11 since I arrived here.
                    How long has she been waiting?

過去簡單式:過去發生,已結束的動作 V-ed

                    He was a teacher in his thirties.

            過去簡單式或 "used to" 皆可表示過去習慣

                    My brother ( used to get up /  got up ) at five every morning.


                    John got out safely before his house collapsed


                    Steve acts as though he were the boss. (  he is not the boss)

過去進行式:過去某時刻正在發生或持續的動作   (was were ) + 現在分詞 V-ing

                I was riding my bike at nine o'clock last night.

            過去進行被動: (was were )  being + 過去分詞 V-ed

                My order was being taken by the waiter when the lights went out. 

           過去進行式:  (was were )  + ( always   constantly )  + 現在分詞 V-ing

                She was always complaining; nothing satisfied her. 

                          had + 過去分詞 V-ed          

                The plane had already taken off when I arrived at the airport.

              If 從屬子句必用過去完成式
             (ever, never, still, just, already, yet )  用於過去時,必用過去完成式

                If Jason had had the money, he would have bought a car.
                I had never heard that before.

                                had  been + 現在分詞 V-ing

                I had been working nonstop for seven hours before he showed up.
                Had you been sleeping when I called?

未來簡單式:未來可能發生的事    will + 動詞原型
                                                be going to + 動詞原型

                        We will see what we can do to help you.
                        I am going to visit my parents this weekend.

        *時間連接詞(after, before, when, if, until, as soon as)後的未來行動用現在簡單式

            When you finish the homework, put it in your backpack. 
            I will let you know as soon as I have the information.

未來進行式:將在未來某一時刻進行或持續進行    will be + 現在分詞 V-ing

                        At this time tomorrow, we will be playing tennis at park.

未來完成式:在未來某一時刻之前將完成        will have  + 過去分詞

                    Nancy will have worked here for ten years next May.


                    By the time David gets home, his wife will have cleaned the entire house.

                                    will have been + 現在分詞V-ing

                    By the end of next month I will have been working here for exactly seven years.

5.關係代名詞    ↼   6.動詞時態    ⇀ 7.主被動 



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